staying Fit
I am all of a sudden motivated once again to start exercising and whipping my body into shape once more. This feeling has came and gone for quite a few times in my life and I have to admit that each moment of burst it has at least forced me to keep in relatively decent shape which is a good thing. I have all too often let myself lose to the laziness. Well, how long will this new found momentum be able to carry itself? I doubt it will last more than a week or two to be honest, what with work getting in the way and all. I can't blame it on anything other than myself considering that there's a gym in the office but I hardly use it, more keen to head home instead of spending precious time there. Perhaps its a mentality that I should be changing. Let's see how the next few weeks take me.No similar posts
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i just opened a packet of kitkat then i read your blog. oops guilty =p
- JL
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