first Visit to the Conservatory

Being the typical geek - outdoor gardens are probably the last place I would visit. That's the amazing thing about having a significant other - you take new challenges. Have not stepped into the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music before, even at its previous location which was quite near to Engineering. At least I managed to squeeze in a visit in this 4 university years.

I went to watch a concert / senior recital by Kathleen, It was quite an interesting experience. I wasn't very into the music, and it was quite boring at times, perhaps even dozing off and falling asleep. I hope I wasn't snoring! Also at the end of every piece, I belonged to the group not knowing whether the piece was over or it was just an interlude. I had to wait till others start clapping before I join in. Better not embarrass myself! 

Some of the pieces were quite interesting, some were rather technical, and it was funny to see how current guitarists incorporate some of these music sequences / scales / however you should call them. One of the interesting things she did was the finger plucking / snapping rather than the use of the bow? I guess its one of those novel techniques that violinists do, to impress the crowd perhaps, and as experimental as they would get. 

It's probably akin to using the tongue to pick the guitar. Those crazy metal guitarists. 
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