when The Cold Wind Blows

It's been awhile since I was out before the sun came out, and wasn't exactly looking forward to it too. Well, don't really have much options to blame other than myself for not getting my bus pass earlier but well, perhaps taking the early cycling trip this morning isn't that bad a thing either.

Looking back, that's just how I am. At times, stingy that I would torture myself etc just to save a dollar?

It was a 10 min trip to Kembangan station, and the moment I turned out from my house, could feel the cold wind coming headlong as I pedalled faster, almost shivering on the bike. Yet, it was surprisingly quite refreshing! I guess I am just very much a morning person and that little morning ride energised me and got me ready for the day. I should do this more often! 

Quite strange seeing so many school kids getting ready for school, walking to the MRT or to school, a scene that disappears once the sun comes up. Wasn't it just a few years ago that I was part of this very same school going crowd? Very soon, in a few months time, I will probably be part of this crowd as I will have to get up like at 6, put on my uniform, and make my way to camp. Going backwards in time.

Met Vivien, JC classmate, on the bus to school today and had a chat about how each of us were up to and well, being final year students and all, it wasn't long before we were also talking about Final Year Projects and Graduation Trips. Maybe in comparison, it wasn't such a gleeful discussion as graduation trips on my side look non existent and I am still doing my FYP (zzz). Didn't know Chem Eng. students were so lucky and that their thesis had already been submitted, argh. 

I'm indeed looking forward to the end of the semester. 
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