back To Airforce

So many Airforce things keep cropping up recently. The "Back for Good" form, pay issues, job scope, training and all that. It all started with the career fair, haha as we went about collecting freebies, ended up with the F-16 pin.

... the skies above ...

I think 4 years ago, I was undecided what I want to be, and I took up the first job offer that sort of came my way. I'm an Air Engineering Officer. Yet, looking at my friends job hunting now, I think I haven't change all that much in this 4 years and still not sure what I want to do. I guess this dilly-dally over job issues is more to do with my possibly good grades and potential job offers out there, and yet, I am tied down with a SAF LSA scholarship and might be be pegged down based on the various scholarships rankings. A sign of jealousy perhaps? In a materialistic vein, it's all about the money!

In a way, I can see this as a career, it isn't exactly a bad job and it does offer certain levels of prospects and all in all, working with technology is still an interesting thing for me. Furthermore, it could be interesting if I can connect my level of interest and merge it with the aviation stuff. The drawback would be more of how other people view the job? A military job is often looked down upon and unlikely to raise the admirations of people, shucks :) That's my ego speaking.

This has been also a year of rumours, as the AEOs discuss about how our job will be like, the initial phase of training, important gossipy bits such as the pay structure.  
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